Bai Jingting’s BIGGEST MISTAKE? Did He Just Confirm Dating Zhang Ruonan LIVE on Camera?

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Is Bai Jingting secretly dating Zhang Ruonan? Fans have been speculating for months, and now new clues are making everyone question their relationship! From recent interviews to behind-the-scenes chemistry and social media hints, there are plenty of signs pointing to something more than friendship. In this video, we break down all the biggest clues and analyze what they could mean for their future.
    What do you think? Are they really dating, or is it just wishful thinking from fans? Let us know in the comments below! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and turn on notifications so you never miss the latest celebrity updates!
    Bai Jingting’s BIGGEST MISTAKE? Did He Just Confirm Dating Zhang Ruonan LIVE on Camera?

Комментарии • 14

  • @KrelianLoke
    @KrelianLoke 3 дня назад +9

    The plot and the theme song all tie in together so well. It is not surprising that the director handpicked a real life couple actor and actress to star in the show. The chemistry is essential, from squabbling to crying to kissing to hugging. It is hard for a non-couple pair to pull it off onscreen.

  • @liezlyaon541
    @liezlyaon541 3 дня назад +13

    go go BJT! I am rooting for you both❤️ love you both ❤️

  • @TessiePatinio-ep5fq
    @TessiePatinio-ep5fq 2 дня назад +4

    Keep going baijingting to pursue zhang rounan I'm rooting for you to be real .... a manifesting fan from the Philippines.... make it real ❤❤❤❤😊

  • @romeritamercado6734
    @romeritamercado6734 2 дня назад +4

    May true love for each other keep blossoming in their heart... ❤

  • @MamaPop-zq1sc
    @MamaPop-zq1sc 2 дня назад +3

    ตอน30น้ำตาไหลตาม อี้ฟาน เข้าใจทุกตัวละคร ไป่เล่นแนวนี้เหมาะสม ไม่ขี้เล่น เคมีเข้ากัน จับคู่เล่น จะปังอีกยาวนาน โสดยาวไป

  • @mariadefatimadasilva2659
    @mariadefatimadasilva2659 День назад +3

    Já assisti por duas vezes esta deliciosa serie The First Frost e estou torcendo muito pelo casal na vida real. Tomara que se casem. São almas gêmeas em beleza e talento...

  • @CléiaMariaCardosodaSilva
    @CléiaMariaCardosodaSilva 3 дня назад +5

    Eu amei a série deles dois tem uma química muito boa parece casal apaixonado de verdade

  • @mariabeatrizdeoliveiracost2510
    @mariabeatrizdeoliveiracost2510 3 дня назад +4

    Adoro vcs!!! Que tudo dê certo,vcs são demais!!! Vejo vcs aqui do Brasil!!!

  • @carlageannesouza
    @carlageannesouza День назад +1

    Eu fico feliz por meu ator preferido. Desejo tudo de bom pra ele meu amor.❤❤❤

  • @jennymok-l8y
    @jennymok-l8y 2 дня назад +2

    Good Chemistry... Good Luck

  • @franciscarodriguessilvinod8804
    @franciscarodriguessilvinod8804 День назад

    Amei essa série! Química perfeita ..ele mto lindo .. história de amor q ultrapassa todas as barreiras. ❤️🥰🥰

  • @kangiee-03
    @kangiee-03 День назад

    Y m i happy😢😂