
2 month for an update with only standing pose. Well.. if I don`t see his code 4 my self, I would say it`s to long. But again, I saw his code, so 2 month 4 update is ok. But ye, I wanna it faster. In the end, we will get her full content up to august/early September. About it.


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No it's usually just the handjob because it's the base sprite with a hand. Anyway I guess he answered based on several people asking. also lowlevellesser it's ust a buck a month for updates on the game.
Fair enough but I try to pick and choose which projects are most worth my while since I support a bunch of developers regardless. I just stopped supporting another developer a short while back who's also cheap to support because they are basically completely restarting a project they had been working on for five years from scratch... hell no to that (their production was also super slow too but they were admittedly working on two projects at once).


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Now that Jubilee is gonna be released, if only with her standing pose interactions, I guess her swimsuit will be there too, right? How do you guys think it'll be?


What are the differences between the girls, behavior wise? Storm is okay with being naked, Emma doesn't want public interaction, and Rogue is bog standard. As far as I can tell Kitty's only quirk is she's too jewish to have surf n turf.
Well, let's see...

Rogue is, as you said, pretty bog standard. She starts off with fairly high affection for the player, and will go along with most actions taken. She's your safe, vanilla choice.

Kitty has issues with intimacy, as evidenced by her running off when she starts to have feelings for you, and her general hesitance to sexual advances. In my experience, she tends to be harder to get to say yes to sexual activities and will generally frown on you trying anything in public unless you have her Obedience very high. Kitty takes some work, but she's fun all around.

Laura is very sexual, and if her affection and arousal are both moderately high, she'll grab you and drag you off to do sexual activities. This ties into her back story, if the player chooses to engage when she brings it up at high affection. If you're into a girl who wants you to get nasty on her terms, Laura is a good choice.

Emma is, due to her position as your teacher, very hesitant to be seen doing anything with you in public. It takes a fair amount of work to get her to go out on dates or to let you perform anything romantic/sexual in public. She's an experienced woman and knows it, as evidenced by the flavour dialogue during sex. I quite enjoy seeing just how far I can push her.

Jean's... Well, she's a bit of a bitch to you at first. Her inhibition is crazy high, so she'll probably let you fool around with very little affection. It takes a lot of work to get her affection score up, as she tends to put off a lot of players due to her attitude and general meanness. She does come around once you push her affection up though. Worth a go if you want a challenge.

Ororo is, as you've seen, a bit of an exhibitionist. She has fewer hangups about her body than other characters and is also pretty open to fooling around with you. This has happened with other students, as evidenced by some of Xavier's dialogue when you get caught in public. Ororo is easy to please, and if you explore her dialogue tree right when you meet her, it's hard to get her to ignore you.

The girls in this game are, mechanically, basically identical. However, it is in the flavour of their individual characteristics and how they present themselves to the player that makes them interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing Jubilee next, and hopefully this game continues development with more things to do and girls to explore.

Thanks for coming to my RogueTalk.
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New Member
What are the differences between the girls, behavior wise? Storm is okay with being naked, Emma doesn't want public interaction, and Rogue is bog standard. As far as I can tell Kitty's only quirk is she's too jewish to have surf n turf.
Previous post did a great job laying out the fine points. I'll just add a more general idea that one of the odd quirks of the game design as it stands is that if you do not want the characters to all blend into one sort of amorphous haremblob of orgiastic-pet-nymphos you have to actively try to not max all their stats and instead push different characters on different paths.
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