Bathroom Sex With Creampie For My Redhead

(This model was 25 years old at the time of filming)
  Sep 9, 2018
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Dear Diary – I had a big surprise last night! At around 1am, I got a call from Kattie (or better yet, Kattie’s shaved pussy wanting more action, haha!). She was asking if it was ok to sleep over with me. She wanted to see me before leaving. So cute! She arrived at 2am and we fucked like beasts! (sorry, was too tired to film that one). But – in the morning, when she was ready to take a shower, I decided to make a last little video for you guys. Nice BATHROOM SEX creampie for all my fans! She loved it, too!

She then left and I ran to the airport. Almost missed my flight. Later on, I arrived in Bangkok and got some messages from Way. We meet tomorrow.

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All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.