Paula Jayne Radcliffe ???


Well-Known Member
That first one where she is blurred and looks topless, from what I understand she is sadly wearing some lingerie


Well-Known Member
The Vola rats are starting to tease these again

Are these supposed to be sexy? It looks like she's been taken hostage and these are the proof of life photos the hostage takers send to the family to prove she's not dead. She looks terrified


These were taken by a private photographer who has taken sets of various b-list celebs in various lingerie,I was talking to him a while ago and he emailed me his list of sets for sale but for the life of me can’t find the email or list now,this was one of the sets I was interested in so he sent me all the thumb nails as a preview but decided against buying. This guy is also the person who took the corrine wicks ones
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