I am 71 years old and have been single for many, many years. You inspire me! I get up every Saturday, make coffee and watch your videos. We all have ups and downs, so don’t feel alone. Sending you warm wishes for better days.
As a grandmother who is 52 in America, I absolutely adore your channel. It is the highlight of my Saturday morning every weekend. You are a beautiful soul and will make a great mother one day. Have a wonderful day!!!
Girl, every person on this earth makes mistakes. Stop beating yourself up because you’re human. You inspire, teach and show the world that you can live alone and thrive. I live alone and started cooking for myself again because of you. I have cleaned on days that I didn’t want to because of you. I now also now go out to eat by myself. I enjoy living alone as well and a lot of stuff has also happened in my life too. You aren’t alone. Just know that you have changed lives for the better. (Except now my Amazon bill is really high 😂)
Спасибо, дорогая Нами. Приятно осознавать, что на другом конце света есть милая, изящная, нежная девушка, которая делится со своими подписчиками искренностью и теплом. Удачи во всем!
У нас выпал снег, поэтому ваши видео согревают мои дни и вечера. Удивительно, как вы всегда встаёте в 5 утра и делаете столько дел. Как всегда, очень эстетичная съемка, красивые кадры и уютные видео! ❤
My dear Nami, You are most definetly not alone my friend. I have watched your videos for a long time now, sometimes I comment sometimes I dont, but I have to say that I don't think you realize just how special you are to so many people across the globe!, and how your videos impact people from all over the world. I live in Scotland and I think about you often, while shopping at the supermarket (choosing ingredients), while cleaning, while preparing delicious food. My friend visited me last night and I made them Okonomiaki, they said it was the best thing they'd ever eaten, I said "follow this chanel" this is where I got the recipe ", and they did. Which resulted in a binge watch of quite a lot of your videos lol . I just want to say thank you for showing me and many others that it's okay to really look after yourself if you live alone, being good to yourself and taking time to self care, it really has changed my life., YOU have helped me change it, and It has also had a ripple effect on the people I know. Thank you Nami from the bottom of my heart, you are a beautiful, gentle and kind soul. Bless you and your family.
You have encouraged so many women living alone (and also many not living alone) to be independent and to fill their lives with happiness. You are a fine role model. May your journey always be happy. Thank you. 💐
Thank you so very much Nami for sharing your experiences with us, as always it is so calming and informative to watch your channel. Its my wish somehow to tell your parents thank you for bringing to the world an amazing young woman who has made a positive impact on a otherwise chaotic planet. Nami ,you are a wonderful representative of your young generation, thank you. We are somewhat aware of the effort involved in turning out a video every week. Its a great task that you bring to us weekly. It is appreciated ❤. Have a wonderful day
Thank you for the content Nami-san, the time and effort is really appreciated, and I'm so glad I found your channel. 😄 Your videos awake an inner peace, which has been very much needed. You have such a beautiful home and it's admirable how much pride you take in maintaining it. Truly, it's inspiring. You make the ordinary fulfilling and with a purpose. 👏 (PS: Love your PJ's, they are so cute) 🐶😺
1.32M subscribers! Wow! ❤ I've been here for years, and this is still my favorite thing about saturday mornings ❤❤ you are a beautiful vlogger. So much serenity and comfort you gift us
Nami, you are an amazing young lady and we haven't noticed your mistakes-we see only someone who shares their life with us and invites us to enjoy all that your life has to offer. The first thing I did this morning when I woke up was to turn on your channel. I look forward to it every week! Many blessings to you and thank you!
У вас удивительный канал, не пропускаю ни одного ролика. Так уютно, так красиво, так успокаивает. Очень нравится когда вы показываете что-то за пределами квартиры, улицу, котов и кошек.
Спасибо. Вы всегда стараетесь для нас, делаете такие милые маленькие фильмы. Это ведь труд, продумывать, снимать, монтировать. Этот канал просто чудесный.
Dear Nami-san, the care you put into your videos is highly appreciated. My saturday afternoons are much better because of you! Many many thanks and regards from Barcelona 😊😊
Дорогая Нами! Мы с дочкой вот уже второй год смотрим Ваши видео. С нетерпением ждём выходных, чтобы вместе расположиться на диване и позавтракать под видео. Ваше творчество, можно сказать, объединяет нас с дочкой в эти счастливые моменты! Спасибо Вам! Вы помогаете нам увидеть ту самую Японию, которую мы обожаем смотреть в мультфильмах Миядзаки и книгах Харуки Мураками. Такое внимание к деталям! Просто потрясающе!
I haven't really commented much lately but I have never missed out on every new video you put out. Thank you Nami for inspiring me to appreciate my own company, and learn live a much slower lifestyle. You really helped me out a lot. Congrats on 1.3M!
I am the one who has to thank you for helping me with my anxiety. Your videos help me every night when I’m overwhelmed with all the problems in my life and seeing you doing lots of things alone encourages me to do the same! So, again: thank you, Nami! From Italy! :)
I do not live alone but a lot of things have happened in my life particularly over the last few years. Sometimes I find it very hard to just be. Your videos are a peaceful place for me that encourage me to cook/sort/clean even when i do not feel like it. We all make mistakes, we are all human and you are a part of us all . Just thank you for being you. xx
Parabéns pelos novos inscritos e muito obrigada por compartilhar sua rotina tão inspiradora. Seus vídeos tem me ajudado a encontrar alegria e satisfação nas pequenas coisas do dia a dia! Você é uma inspiração Nami! Aguardo seus vídeos todos os sábados ❤ Beijos do Brasil!
You are not alone, Nami. You inspire, educate and entertain me, as I'm sure you do for many of your viewers. I shall always be grateful for the peace your films give me. You are very much loved xxx
You’re a true inspiration and role model Nami and thank you for sharing everything in your life. Through your videos I have enjoyed introducing some Japanese recipes and also with my granddaughter. Keep going, we need you ❤
You live alone but you're not alone, you have 1.32 million fans watching your videos every week! Take your time, go at your own pace, we love everything you do!
Nami - sobota z Tobą to mój stały rytuał 😊❤ Wpłynęłaś na moje życie bo widząc jak bardzo dbasz o swoje mieszkanie jakoś wstyd mi usiąść do oglądania kolejnego Twojego filmu jeżeli nie posprzatam swojego mieszkania. Też jestem sama i lubię moją samotność. Może dlatego że tak jak ty mam pasje które rozwijam i nie nudzę się nigdy. Dzięki Tobie też bardziej zainteresowałam się Japonią, zwłaszcza od strony kulinarnej i już kilka razy zdarzyło mi się wypróbowywać przepisy z których korzystasz, choć niekiedy musiałam trochę zmienić składniki gdyż niektórych warzyw nie znalazłam w Polsce. Gratuluję powiększania się liczby subskrybentów ❤️ Cieszę się że i ja do nich należę 😊 Miłego tygodnia życzę 😊❤
Saturday mornings I sit down with tea and breakfast and watch Nami's life - - I have been inspired to cook more and to organize more!!! Thank you Nami!!
Hello from Tennessee USA. I love your channel. I am in awe of how organized and neatly you live. The food you cook is amazing- all the fresh ingredients, your cooking abilities and your final plate presentation are incredible. Your home looks immaculate. I love watching the Japanese market and city scenes. You stated you make a lot of mistakes… I have only ever seen you do very impressive things. I admire you for being on your own. They say highly intelligent people prefer to be alone. You seem very capable and very motivated and very intelligent. You inspire me!
Thank you very much for the video, Nami-san, thank you very much for the flowers you gave us, those who recently subscribed to your channel 🙏 It's still very warm in Tokyo, but where I live it's snowing 😔🌨️🌨️ Thank you for the warm autumn
Nami, I don't think I am alone in saying you inspire, encourage, and teach me through every video! I look so forward to spending my Saturday mornings with you! You have become a part of my routine that I look so forward to spending time with you every week!! I greatly appreciate you sharing pieces of your life with us!! It shows in your videos how caring you are and that you're beautiful on the inside and out!! I look forward to the next video and hope you have a great week!!
You've always been a joy to see in the mornings here in the States. Mistakes are a part of learning to do things right . If we aren't making mistakes, we aren't learning . In all your videos, you bring a sense of calmness to the day . Many blessings to you, 😊😊😊dearest
Those flowers you made are so beautiful. I never knew flowers could be made with just bean paste and some coloring! I appreciate how much care you put into the things you make on your videos. Congratulations on your channel's newest milestone! These videos have brought so much joy and peace into my life, and I am so grateful that I found them. Thank you for all that you do 🫶🏽 Here's to the next milestone!🥂
Nami... Siempre me despierto los sábados con un vídeo tuyo, me llenan de tranquilidad, tu estilo y me gusta como nos das a conocer todo tu estilo de vida.. saludos 🇲🇽🇲🇽😉👋🏻
Нами мне так нравиться быть с тобой по субботам,я всегда жду их,и наслаждаюсь тем какая ты талантливая,твои видео меня так вдохновляют,спасибо тебе!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Liebe Nami, ich danke dir auch! ❤️ Du bist eine Inspiration für mich und seit ich dir zusehe, gehe ich viel lieber an meine eigene Hausarbeit, ans Kochen und Putzen . Du machst alle Dinge mit Ruhe und Sorgfalt, so wirkt es jedenfalls auf mich. Das gefällt mir sehr. Es bringt eine gewisse Qualität in unser Leben. Ich lebe auch allein in einer großen Stadt und liebe das auch, genau wie du. Es ist schön zu sehen, wie du dein Leben gestaltest. Wir leben allein und trotzdem sind wir nicht einsam. Ich denke an dich. Liebe Grüße aus Berlin 🙋🏼♀️
Buenas tardes Nami-chan.Gracias a ti siempre por hacerme sentir mas Feliz con tus videos llenos de paz y tranquilidad que me transmites.Todo el mundo cometemos errores de los cuales siempre se saca algo positivo y no te exijas tanto.Un millon de besos desde ESPAÑA❤
Hola Nami, hace muy poco tiempo que te sigo. Me fascina lo que preparas, como te arriesgas a preparar cosas raras y sales adelante, los errores hacen parte de la vida, eres sensible, honesta, sencilla, delicada y femenina, te felicito por todo... Te amamos y admiramos, un saludo de mi niña y mi esposo, desde Bogotá - Colombia, tú puedes ❤
Olá querida Nami! Eu é que agradeço cada minuto partilhado. Sempre tudo é feito com muita delicadeza e carinho. Uma inspiração para aprender a apreciar o nosso dia. Que somos nós que fazemos acontecer e ser especial. Gratidão 🙏
Nami, I absolutely love your videos and yours was the first channel like this one that I subscribed to. I can see all the love, patience, passion, dedication, and determination in all of your videos. Everyone makes mistakes, but from you I have learned to embrace them and live in the moment. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into your videos and I love all your content. I am always wishing you the very best and your channel is one of my favorite! It’s always a good day when you upload a video! Thank you Nami! Many blessings your way! ❤
I enjoy watching your videos as it gives me a tiny window into the life of a modern young woman in another country living alone and creating an interesting life. Mistakes are what helps you learn and grow. The fact that you have an incredibly large RUclips following shows how much people enjoy and admire what you do.
Congratulations on another milestone ^^ I watch Nami's videos every sunday to reset my week before work starts again on Monday, and it is really therapeutic. I also enjoy trying out the recipes from your vlog, the food you make is always delicious. I hope you gain as much motivation from us as we do from your videos ^^
Carissima Nami, scrivo carissima perché ogni settimana ci incontriamo con il tuo vlog.😊 Ti faccio tanti congratulazioni per il tuo traguardo e ti auguro di avere tanta serenità e Amore quanto tu ne porti nelle nostre case. Un forte abbraccio dall'Italia ❤
Dear Nami, your videos give absolute zen! When I watch them, it's like a meditation which helps me to focus on now and here. They are so important and helpful! Thank you so much! 🙏 Regards from Ukraine 💙💛
Nami, pozdrawiam Cię serdecznie z Polski. Dziękuję za kolejny wartościowy filmik. Gratuluję sukcesu, 1,3 miliona oglądających❣️Z dużą uwagą i radością oglądam twoje filmiki i uczę się nowych rzeczy. Doceniam twoje starania i podziwiam Cię.🫶❤️🙋🏼♀️
Well, thank you because you also keep company to other people who live alone. It's comforting to see you having quiet days by yourself, treating yourself to nice teas and nice meals in beautiful dishes and crystal ware. Being alone doesn't mean being miserable and lonely, it also means having time to see inside yourself to then give the best that you have to the world.
Nami, seus videos são maravilhosos! Sua calma e delicadeza em cuidar de tudo, sua satisfação em seus passeios pelos lugares maravilhosos que escolhe estar. Sua vida não é solitária. É rica e preenchida com muita alegria. Muitas pessoas moram sozinhas, mas nunca estamos sós. Através dos comentários vejo que você recebe infinitos raios de luz e de boas energias. Parabéns pelos novos inscritos! Você nos oferece a paz de cada momento.❤🥰🙌
Выходя на балкон в 5 утра не простудитесь пожалуйста. Будьте аккуратны. Я сама люблю выходить в такое время на балкон. Мир в это время именно в 5 утра прекрасен и совершенен
Hola Nami, hace meses empecé a ver tus videos y me inspiran a seguir adelante, cómo vivir sola, a ser más organizada con las cosas del hogar, etc. Y también me hacen muy feliz. Sueño un día con visitar Japón. Un abrazo desde Argentina
Zgadza się. Człowiek może poznać Japonię np od strony kuchni i ich zwyczajów. Ale…wyobrażasz sobie takie samotne życie? Najczęściej ludzie starsi zostając sami nie chcą tylko dla siebie gotować…a tu…Nami gotuje tylko dla siebie. Może dlatego, że jest młoda? Nie wiem.
I am 71 years old and have been single for many, many years. You inspire me! I get up every Saturday, make coffee and watch your videos. We all have ups and downs, so don’t feel alone. Sending you warm wishes for better days.
As a grandmother who is 52 in America, I absolutely adore your channel. It is the highlight of my Saturday morning every weekend. You are a beautiful soul and will make a great mother one day. Have a wonderful day!!!
I started to read your comment and read it as "grandmother of 52"! 😱
You are still young😂
Je suis une grand mère aussi, de 75 ans, en France. Je suis complètement d'accord avec vous : Nami is the sunshine of my saturday afternoon !
She really is….. grandmother here too!
I am amazed at how much French I can understand, having never formally or even informally studied the language !
Girl, every person on this earth makes mistakes. Stop beating yourself up because you’re human. You inspire, teach and show the world that you can live alone and thrive. I live alone and started cooking for myself again because of you. I have cleaned on days that I didn’t want to because of you. I now also now go out to eat by myself. I enjoy living alone as well and a lot of stuff has also happened in my life too. You aren’t alone. Just know that you have changed lives for the better. (Except now my Amazon bill is really high 😂)
Such a nice heartfelt comment ❤I feel the same way. I look forward each week for a new video. Have an awesome day
Beautiful ❤️
That is great do you 😊😊
Спасибо, дорогая Нами. Приятно осознавать, что на другом конце света есть милая, изящная, нежная девушка, которая делится со своими подписчиками искренностью и теплом. Удачи во всем!
У нас выпал снег, поэтому ваши видео согревают мои дни и вечера. Удивительно, как вы всегда встаёте в 5 утра и делаете столько дел. Как всегда, очень эстетичная съемка, красивые кадры и уютные видео! ❤
Мне тоже нравится. У меня тоже снег.
И у нас снег! Привет из Петербурга.
I'm in Brazil 🙋🏻♀️ & one of my dreams, is see the snow 🤍
@@musicailustre i hope one day your dream will come true ☺
Awww never seen snow in person
Нами, и тебе спасибо за добрые пожелания! Люблю твой юмор, иногда горькую самоиронию и искренность. Спасибо за твои красивые и успокаивающие влоги!
My dear Nami, You are most definetly not alone my friend. I have watched your videos for a long time now, sometimes I comment sometimes I dont, but I have to say that I don't think you realize just how special you are to so many people across the globe!, and how your videos impact people from all over the world. I live in Scotland and I think about you often, while shopping at the supermarket (choosing ingredients), while cleaning, while preparing delicious food. My friend visited me last night and I made them Okonomiaki, they said it was the best thing they'd ever eaten, I said "follow this chanel" this is where I got the recipe ", and they did. Which resulted in a binge watch of quite a lot of your videos lol . I just want to say thank you for showing me and many others that it's okay to really look after yourself if you live alone, being good to yourself and taking time to self care, it really has changed my life., YOU have helped me change it, and It has also had a ripple effect on the people I know. Thank you Nami from the bottom of my heart, you are a beautiful, gentle and kind soul. Bless you and your family.
You have encouraged so many women living alone (and also many not living alone) to be independent and to fill their lives with happiness. You are a fine role model. May your journey always be happy. Thank you. 💐
Thank you so very much Nami for sharing your experiences with us, as always it is so calming and informative to watch your channel. Its my wish somehow to tell your parents thank you for bringing to the world an amazing young woman who has made a positive impact on a otherwise chaotic planet. Nami ,you are a wonderful representative of your young generation, thank you. We are somewhat aware of the effort involved in turning out a video every week. Its a great task that you bring to us weekly. It is appreciated ❤.
Have a wonderful day
Thank you for the content Nami-san, the time and effort is really appreciated, and I'm so glad I found your channel. 😄 Your videos awake an inner peace, which has been very much needed. You have such a beautiful home and it's admirable how much pride you take in maintaining it. Truly, it's inspiring. You make the ordinary fulfilling and with a purpose. 👏 (PS: Love your PJ's, they are so cute) 🐶😺
1.32M subscribers! Wow! ❤ I've been here for years, and this is still my favorite thing about saturday mornings ❤❤ you are a beautiful vlogger. So much serenity and comfort you gift us
Nami, you are an amazing young lady and we haven't noticed your mistakes-we see only someone who shares their life with us and invites us to enjoy all that your life has to offer. The first thing I did this morning when I woke up was to turn on your channel. I look forward to it every week! Many blessings to you and thank you!
С теплым приветом из России.Милая Нами,вы не одиноки,у вас есть МЫ ❤❤❤
У вас удивительный канал, не пропускаю ни одного ролика. Так уютно, так красиво, так успокаивает. Очень нравится когда вы показываете что-то за пределами квартиры, улицу, котов и кошек.
Нами! ❤Благодарю за душевные, тёплые и милые видео! Каждую неделю с нетерпением жду новый выпуск! Удачи и благополучия тебе!
Нами, спасибо тебе, что позволяешь проводить с тобой время, ты мотивируешь нас своими задумками, рецептами, мыслями и переживаниями❤ ты не одинока😊😊
Спасибо. Вы всегда стараетесь для нас, делаете такие милые маленькие фильмы. Это ведь труд, продумывать, снимать, монтировать. Этот канал просто чудесный.
Dear Nami-san, the care you put into your videos is highly appreciated. My saturday afternoons are much better because of you! Many many thanks and regards from Barcelona 😊😊
Дорогая Нами! Мы с дочкой вот уже второй год смотрим Ваши видео. С нетерпением ждём выходных, чтобы вместе расположиться на диване и позавтракать под видео. Ваше творчество, можно сказать, объединяет нас с дочкой в эти счастливые моменты! Спасибо Вам! Вы помогаете нам увидеть ту самую Японию, которую мы обожаем смотреть в мультфильмах Миядзаки и книгах Харуки Мураками. Такое внимание к деталям! Просто потрясающе!
Нами, гармония и умиротворение от твоих видео, спасибо ❤
I haven't really commented much lately but I have never missed out on every new video you put out. Thank you Nami for inspiring me to appreciate my own company, and learn live a much slower lifestyle. You really helped me out a lot. Congrats on 1.3M!
Nami: talks about when she makes mistakes or fails WHILE making perfect flowers
Me: she is magical! 😂
I am the one who has to thank you for helping me with my anxiety. Your videos help me every night when I’m overwhelmed with all the problems in my life and seeing you doing lots of things alone encourages me to do the same! So, again: thank you, Nami! From Italy! :)
Her videos help me with my anxiety as well, so nice to watch before bedtime and bedtime routine. :)
I do not live alone but a lot of things have happened in my life particularly over the last few years. Sometimes I find it very hard to just be. Your videos are a peaceful place for me that encourage me to cook/sort/clean even when i do not feel like it. We all make mistakes, we are all human and you are a part of us all . Just thank you for being you. xx
Parabéns pelos novos inscritos e muito obrigada por compartilhar sua rotina tão inspiradora. Seus vídeos tem me ajudado a encontrar alegria e satisfação nas pequenas coisas do dia a dia! Você é uma inspiração Nami! Aguardo seus vídeos todos os sábados ❤ Beijos do Brasil!
You are not alone, Nami. You inspire, educate and entertain me, as I'm sure you do for many of your viewers. I shall always be grateful for the peace your films give me. You are very much loved xxx
Чистота, порядок во всём.
Вкусно приготовили цветочные композиции... приятно смотреть на ваши труды на кухне.
You’re a true inspiration and role model Nami and thank you for sharing everything in your life. Through your videos I have enjoyed introducing some Japanese recipes and also with my granddaughter. Keep going, we need you ❤
You live alone but you're not alone, you have 1.32 million fans watching your videos every week! Take your time, go at your own pace, we love everything you do!
Dzień dobry Nami , 😊 miło cię widzieć, pozdrawiam z Polski 🇵🇱🤗🍁🍄🌿🍁🍄🌿
Thanks! You brighten my life with your wonderful videos. ❤
Thank you very much, Cliff❣ It means a lot to me🥰
Nami - sobota z Tobą to mój stały rytuał 😊❤ Wpłynęłaś na moje życie bo widząc jak bardzo dbasz o swoje mieszkanie jakoś wstyd mi usiąść do oglądania kolejnego Twojego filmu jeżeli nie posprzatam swojego mieszkania. Też jestem sama i lubię moją samotność. Może dlatego że tak jak ty mam pasje które rozwijam i nie nudzę się nigdy. Dzięki Tobie też bardziej zainteresowałam się Japonią, zwłaszcza od strony kulinarnej i już kilka razy zdarzyło mi się wypróbowywać przepisy z których korzystasz, choć niekiedy musiałam trochę zmienić składniki gdyż niektórych warzyw nie znalazłam w Polsce. Gratuluję powiększania się liczby subskrybentów ❤️ Cieszę się że i ja do nich należę 😊 Miłego tygodnia życzę 😊❤
Saturday mornings I sit down with tea and breakfast and watch Nami's life - - I have been inspired to cook more and to organize more!!! Thank you Nami!!
なみさんの投稿を毎週楽しみにしているものです!(初めてコメントしてみました) なみさんに憧れ、少しでも丁寧に暮らせたらなと思ってから毎日が少しずつ楽しくなりました☺️(作るもの、お出かけの仕方、早起きなどなど)なみさんのおかげで毎週幸せや楽しい!そしてワクワクをお裾分けしていただいています。改めて130万人!おめでとうございます。これからも陰ながら応援しております。
Hello from Tennessee USA. I love your channel. I am in awe of how organized and neatly you live. The food you cook is amazing- all the fresh ingredients, your cooking abilities and your final plate presentation are incredible. Your home looks immaculate. I love watching the Japanese market and city scenes. You stated you make a lot of mistakes… I have only ever seen you do very impressive things. I admire you for being on your own. They say highly intelligent people prefer to be alone. You seem very capable and very motivated and very intelligent. You inspire me!
Огромное спасибо за каждое ваше видео ❤. Смотря всегда отдыхаю душой.
Thank you very much for the video, Nami-san,
thank you very much for the flowers you gave us, those who recently subscribed to your channel 🙏
It's still very warm in Tokyo, but where I live it's snowing 😔🌨️🌨️ Thank you for the warm autumn
Nami, I don't think I am alone in saying you inspire, encourage, and teach me through every video! I look so forward to spending my Saturday mornings with you! You have become a part of my routine that I look so forward to spending time with you every week!! I greatly appreciate you sharing pieces of your life with us!! It shows in your videos how caring you are and that you're beautiful on the inside and out!! I look forward to the next video and hope you have a great week!!
You've always been a joy to see in the mornings here in the States. Mistakes are a part of learning to do things right . If we aren't making mistakes, we aren't learning . In all your videos, you bring a sense of calmness to the day . Many blessings to you, 😊😊😊dearest
Those flowers you made are so beautiful. I never knew flowers could be made with just bean paste and some coloring! I appreciate how much care you put into the things you make on your videos.
Congratulations on your channel's newest milestone! These videos have brought so much joy and peace into my life, and I am so grateful that I found them. Thank you for all that you do 🫶🏽 Here's to the next milestone!🥂
Здравствуй, дорогая Нами! Смотрю твои видео уже несколько месяцев, видео очень согревают и наполняют уютом! Спасибо за твой труд!
It's so cool that you add multilingual subtitles to your videos^^
namiさん120万人おめでとうございます❤️と思ってみてみたら130万人超えてましたね😍 私みたいに楽しみに待ってる方がたくさんいるってプレッシャーもあるかもしれませんが 嬉しいことですよね✨ 明日は満月らしいので夜空を見上げてみて下さい🌕 私も見ます💪
Non mi perdo uno solo dei tuoi video, sono così rilassanti. Un abbraccio dall'Italia e grazie. ❤
Nami... Siempre me despierto los sábados con un vídeo tuyo, me llenan de tranquilidad, tu estilo y me gusta como nos das a conocer todo tu estilo de vida.. saludos 🇲🇽🇲🇽😉👋🏻
Нами мне так нравиться быть с тобой по субботам,я всегда жду их,и наслаждаюсь тем какая ты талантливая,твои видео меня так вдохновляют,спасибо тебе!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Liebe Nami, ich danke dir auch! ❤️ Du bist eine Inspiration für mich und seit ich dir zusehe, gehe ich viel lieber an meine eigene Hausarbeit, ans Kochen und Putzen . Du machst alle Dinge mit Ruhe und Sorgfalt, so wirkt es jedenfalls auf mich. Das gefällt mir sehr. Es bringt eine gewisse Qualität in unser Leben. Ich lebe auch allein in einer großen Stadt und liebe das auch, genau wie du. Es ist schön zu sehen, wie du dein Leben gestaltest. Wir leben allein und trotzdem sind wir nicht einsam. Ich denke an dich. Liebe Grüße aus Berlin 🙋🏼♀️
Как всегда мило и уютно🌸
Ваши видео такие очаровательные,все так изящно,смотрю и любуюсь! Цветы в конце получились очень красивые❤❤❤
Buenas tardes Nami-chan.Gracias a ti siempre por hacerme sentir mas Feliz con tus videos llenos de paz y tranquilidad que me transmites.Todo el mundo cometemos errores de los cuales siempre se saca algo positivo y no te exijas tanto.Un millon de besos desde ESPAÑA❤
Hola Nami, hace muy poco tiempo que te sigo. Me fascina lo que preparas, como te arriesgas a preparar cosas raras y sales adelante, los errores hacen parte de la vida, eres sensible, honesta, sencilla, delicada y femenina, te felicito por todo... Te amamos y admiramos, un saludo de mi niña y mi esposo, desde Bogotá - Colombia, tú puedes ❤
素晴らしい手作りスゥィーツ✨💖 見せてもらえて良かった
Спасибо дорогая Нами за ваши видео,они хорошая поддержка для одиноких женщин.будем надеяться на перемены к лучшему.
Olá querida Nami! Eu é que agradeço cada minuto partilhado. Sempre tudo é feito com muita delicadeza e carinho. Uma inspiração para aprender a apreciar o nosso dia. Que somos nós que fazemos acontecer e ser especial. Gratidão 🙏
Your honesty is so refreshing. If you keep trying it isn't a failure, just practice for when it is like you want!❤
Nami, I absolutely love your videos and yours was the first channel like this one that I subscribed to. I can see all the love, patience, passion, dedication, and determination in all of your videos. Everyone makes mistakes, but from you I have learned to embrace them and live in the moment. I appreciate all the hard work that goes into your videos and I love all your content. I am always wishing you the very best and your channel is one of my favorite! It’s always a good day when you upload a video! Thank you Nami! Many blessings your way! ❤
Nami agradeço a você todo carinho e atenção em todos os seus vídeos ❤. Estarei aqui sempre!
13:51 このシーンを見ていいな、自分も心に余裕のある素敵な女性になりたいなと思いました…!少しずつ頑張ります
Děkuji za video a blahopřeji k 1.3 mil sledujicich. Ráda vás sleduji. Preju krásný týden.❤
I enjoy watching your videos as it gives me a tiny window into the life of a modern young woman in another country living alone and creating an interesting life. Mistakes are what helps you learn and grow. The fact that you have an incredibly large RUclips following shows how much people enjoy and admire what you do.
Congratulations on another milestone ^^ I watch Nami's videos every sunday to reset my week before work starts again on Monday, and it is really therapeutic. I also enjoy trying out the recipes from your vlog, the food you make is always delicious. I hope you gain as much motivation from us as we do from your videos ^^
Carissima Nami, scrivo carissima perché ogni settimana ci incontriamo con il tuo vlog.😊 Ti faccio tanti congratulazioni per il tuo traguardo e ti auguro di avere tanta serenità e Amore quanto tu ne porti nelle nostre case. Un forte abbraccio dall'Italia ❤
Спасибо за теплое,уютное видео. Очень нравится ваш канал. С уважением из Сибири.
I remember when Nami put that comforter away in the Spring - it feels like yesterday. Time is flying.
動画を拝見すると、いつも やる気パワーを頂いてます!
Dear Nami, your videos give absolute zen! When I watch them, it's like a meditation which helps me to focus on now and here. They are so important and helpful! Thank you so much! 🙏 Regards from Ukraine 💙💛
Nami, pozdrawiam Cię serdecznie z Polski. Dziękuję za kolejny wartościowy filmik. Gratuluję sukcesu, 1,3 miliona oglądających❣️Z dużą uwagą i radością oglądam twoje filmiki i uczę się nowych rzeczy. Doceniam twoje starania i podziwiam Cię.🫶❤️🙋🏼♀️
Well, thank you because you also keep company to other people who live alone. It's comforting to see you having quiet days by yourself, treating yourself to nice teas and nice meals in beautiful dishes and crystal ware. Being alone doesn't mean being miserable and lonely, it also means having time to see inside yourself to then give the best that you have to the world.
Видео наслаждение) ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉😊🌷🌹🌻
Я рада за вас и за себя, что имею такую возможность видеть Вас!)
Me encanta el contenido de este canal! Gracias Nami San por compartir tu día a día ❤
Nami, seus videos são maravilhosos! Sua calma e delicadeza em cuidar de tudo, sua satisfação em seus passeios pelos lugares maravilhosos que escolhe estar. Sua vida não é solitária. É rica e preenchida com muita alegria. Muitas pessoas moram sozinhas, mas nunca estamos sós. Através dos comentários vejo que você recebe infinitos raios de luz e de boas energias. Parabéns pelos novos inscritos! Você nos oferece a paz de cada momento.❤🥰🙌
Выходя на балкон в 5 утра не простудитесь пожалуйста. Будьте аккуратны. Я сама люблю выходить в такое время на балкон. Мир в это время именно в 5 утра прекрасен и совершенен
Hola Nami, hace meses empecé a ver tus videos y me inspiran a seguir adelante, cómo vivir sola, a ser más organizada con las cosas del hogar, etc. Y también me hacen muy feliz.
Sueño un día con visitar Japón.
Un abrazo desde Argentina
Nami ja dziękuję za to,że nagrywasz dla nas:). Dzięki Tobie Japonia jest mi bardziej bliska:).
Zgadza się. Człowiek może poznać Japonię np od strony kuchni i ich zwyczajów. Ale…wyobrażasz sobie takie samotne życie? Najczęściej ludzie starsi zostając sami nie chcą tylko dla siebie gotować…a tu…Nami gotuje tylko dla siebie. Może dlatego, że jest młoda? Nie wiem.