"vintage or when men had pubes"

The full cast of the 1965 AMG film Slave Ship. From closest to Camera: HANS BENDLER, BEN HUNT, ED TAYLOR, BOB KENNEDY and BILLY SMITH.
BILLY SMITH was killed in a Bar Room Shooting shortly after this was Filmed.!
ED TAYLOR the Black Guy in the Middle lived with Bob Mizer after Ed got out of the Marines and until Bob died. ED did all the menial work but he and Bob Mizer were very close even though they would fly into rages at each other.
There was another Ed Taylor who modeled for Bob in the early years. He was white with swallows tattooed on his chest.

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A still photo from the 1965 AMG film Slave Ship. From the left: BILLY SMITH, BEN HUNT, BOB KENNEDY, HANS BENDLER and ED TAYLOR.
BILLY SMITH, BEN HUNT and ED TAYLOR are the Slaves who are cruelly treated by the wicked "Captain" BOB KENNEDY and his wicked first mate HANS BENDLER.

A still photo from the 1965 AMG film Slave Ship.
BILLY SMITH, BEN HUNT and ED TAYLOR are the Slaves who are cruelly treated by the wicked "Captain" BOB KENNEDY and his wicked first mate HANS BENDLER.
In this weird Mizer dimension the Slaves have the Guns and whites and blacks are both slaves.

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