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Dec 24, 2016 2:32 PM

Nov 2015
Watching the latest 3 Episodes at the same day made my head HURTS
Lol when it was at the Minute 20 , I was like seriously ? Only a few minutes and the story didn't seem finished
And more after that at the end after the whole rush they showed the Ending Song ? REALLY ? YOU COULD USE THAT 1:30 Minutes TO EXPLAIN MORE
I just want to know why the hell all of these unnecessary talks and conversations and informations
They keep talking and talking and talking some UNunderstandable complicated unnecessary conversations that has nothing to do with the story , my head hurts I can barely type , however I liked the anime and I gave it 10/10 just for making the rank goes higher (because honestly it doesn't deserve less than 8/10 and the users keeps ranking this fall's animes with no mercy like most of them gives 6/10 ) soooo at the end Gamo-Tan Died and that gay was the leader and they didn't even show that they are sad for Gamo not being able to come back again ! I usually cry when I watch death scenes but it ye it was rushed and they didn't care about feels...
HikarieChanDec 24, 2016 2:36 PM
Dec 24, 2016 2:37 PM

Sep 2013
10/10 SEASON 2 FCKING WHEN?! :'(
The mangaka and detective still have some secrets and the emperor might completed his goal.

Gamotan being super duper special was hilarious XD
Aveline dies :'( but Ryotas lives on and gamoton is frozen waiting to come back, I'd say it's a bittersweet ending.

Dec 24, 2016 3:23 PM

Jun 2015
This show was too fast paced and crazy for me. Some things made sense, but I'm still left confused. What a mess of a series tbh. 3/10
Dec 24, 2016 3:51 PM

Feb 2012
Gamon is still dead but they have his body in the freeze room which should preserve his body a little longer ... 1 day = 1 min .. i think the key is Ririka shes able to astro project out her body & she was the first one to come back to life
Dec 24, 2016 3:53 PM

Sep 2015
That was a pretty good last episode, too bad Gamo tan didn't come back to the real world ;-;
Dec 24, 2016 3:55 PM

Nov 2012
Thrashinuva said:
Novel concepts but agree with everyone else it was rushed. If it had even been stretched to 16 episodes I think they could have made it a lot better.
I agree with this. Making it slower paced would make this anime so much better. Make a story like spread out to a 24-50 episodes and it could be one of the best. It really makes that much of a difference. I don't think i ever seen a anime where a single flaw weighs so heavy on anime. It actually really feels like everyone involved in making this anime is suffering from ADHD. You know what I'm not even mad, it's just a failed experiment that happens sometimes. Yet i have to give this a 5/10 still, glad i watched it, but just to many issues and i have to stay honest.
Dec 24, 2016 4:04 PM

Apr 2016
The story itself was quite good, but does not save the anime. Everything works to me very jumpy and Gamon has annoyed me anyway all the time.

From this series, I realize that the characters (very bad in this case) are more important to me than the story. Apart from that, the pace was almost always too fast.

FencDec 24, 2016 4:24 PM
Dec 24, 2016 4:05 PM
Nov 2012
Any one know if Gamon is going to disappear after a while or he wont because he is as she called him "special" or he will just disappear at some point?
Dec 24, 2016 4:15 PM

Dec 2008
Rather underwhelming ending. Looks like Odd Eye was destroyed and Gamotan's body is coming out of cold storage. Season 2, perhaps?
Dec 24, 2016 4:24 PM

Jan 2011
oh man yet another case of wasted potential while this started off real awful but progressively got better near the end still suffered from being extremely rushed to the end shame early half 6/10 later parts 7/10
Dec 24, 2016 5:03 PM

Aug 2015
Final score: 4/10

In detail:

A series with great potential but poorly realized.
It's too rushed! We have many plots that finally come together but everything goes too fast. The viewer doesn't have time to understand all the stories and thus can't digest any new information that is complicated ...
As a result, the series looks just pretentious using scientific words to try to give credibility to different phenomena.
Besides, there are many characters who aren't at all developed and it's regrettable because we feel that they had more things to tell us. As a result, I couldn't attach myself to the characters and no matter how dangerous they were, I was completely insensitive.
(Apart from Gamon and MyuPon, I find that the other characters aren't too shocked that they are dead)
So the characters are involved in the plot, their interactions have been sloppy.

Of course the series has tried to copy some techniques to be a little original.
- system with a narrator abandoned after 5 episodes
- strange staging
But it sucks.

I am extremely surprised to see so many recommendations with Durarara and Monogatari. (Or even with Tatami Galaxy, S; G)
So I like all these series but I don't recommend them to people who liked Occultic; Nine.

Otherwise I am fond of the ED of Asaka :)
Dec 24, 2016 6:40 PM
Jul 2016

back then, i really anticipating this anime because of the big name (original story from steins;gate (which eventhough not my favorite, still quite good story maker IMO), and the staff from shigatsu wa kimi no uso)..

after that messy episode 1, i still try to hold my judgement.. But after watching all the episodes, i still can't really found anything to boast about with this anime..

story pace is really bad, almost no character development at all, none of the character is really memorable for me, classic shounen storyline type, the original concept is not really believable and convincing (well, compare with steins;gate, O;N is really way off (too stupid?? can't really find proper word)).. Music and sound is just meh..
Dec 24, 2016 8:01 PM
May 2010
Some people here have to really stop comparing it to Steins;Gate. Sure, they're by the same author, but you shouldn't just set the bar that high and then blame the show for your disappointment. It's just like comparing whatever a budding painter produces to Picasso, and then denouncing their efforts, even if they have potential. Picasso himself probably didn't produce masterpieces all the time either.

Watch it like you would any other show. I agree that the anime was rushed and would do better if they had more time to flesh out the story, but by itself, it had proper plot and twists, and as a mystery, it was not bad, leaving small details in the earlier episodes that foreshadowed affiliations and events to come. You just had to look closer.
l0l1n470rDec 24, 2016 8:06 PM
Dec 24, 2016 9:00 PM

May 2010
I'm glad I finished this. the latter half was pretty good.
Dec 24, 2016 9:10 PM
Jan 2016
It didn't make 100% sense in the end for me, but that ed song is definitely the catchiest of the season xD
Dec 24, 2016 9:15 PM

Sep 2014
Rushed beyond belief, but still pretty fun in the end.
Dec 24, 2016 9:44 PM

Jun 2016
DO YOU guys realise that the show actually aired at OCTOBER NINE (9) ??

i bet someone gonna be suprised to see that...

next season i wanna see that gamon can back to the real world
Dec 24, 2016 9:50 PM

Aug 2015
Good thing I didn't dropped this one It gets better every episode. Despite of the disastrous pilot episode. Gamotan MVP

From 3/10 on episode 1 to 7/10. The second half was fun to watch.
Dec 25, 2016 12:14 AM

Nov 2015
Does anyone from the LN-Readers know if there's enough material for a second season or a movie?
Dec 25, 2016 12:33 AM

Jan 2011
There is nothing solid about this series. Nothing really to like either. Plagued with director choices that make it near unbearable to watch most episodes. Sure maybe if this was double the episodes they could of at least slowed the dialogue to say normal human speed...but then again they aren't human anymore...hmmmm

Anyway not much to say. I didn't like it. Story was maybe decent but the characters were so awful that if belittled anything the former had going for it. Coupled with the down right abysmal visual directing, uninspiring BGM, and crack tempo dialogue speed this one was impossible to revive on scene for me. 4/10
Dec 25, 2016 1:21 AM

Jan 2013
Thanks God it's over. I'm sorry Yuki and Miyuki even if I love you and your voices so much I can't stand this anime. After this hopeless ending it's 3/10.

"Please stop talking about math when I'm eating."
Dec 25, 2016 1:34 AM

Mar 2014

Dammit this show "Tried" To ramp it up after episode 6 but seems in the end it was all just Fast Jet heading into a Nosedive...RIP!

Too rush, misses out on a lot of details because of "distractions", Fast talking, and Yes...Annoying comic relief Ryo (-.-) I knew this anime was going to be much from the start even with the good jump from episode 6. I rather now watch Stein;gate again,again, again and again....
"You can't spell slaughter without laughter".
Dec 25, 2016 2:43 AM

Jun 2015
And so the last episode is finally here
Now that the mystery is clear and we know the real culprits its time to start our counterattack.

Man that emperor of theirs looks kinda strange
Hmm aveline is actually really brave in deciding to sacrifice herself without question knowing that she will vanish if she fails

Lol Gamon and Sarai both finding comfort and finally understanding their respective fathers. Its nice that they finally understand them though.
Hmm still the mystery of Ririka's body vanishing though

Its nice seeing the police detective care about the well being of Asuna though
Lol it is rather difficult to understand so i do sympathize with Miyu though
hmm so according to Sarai's theory they can in fact return back to life then

Wow just as you expect the detective is pretty sharp
to know precisely the minutes in the real world in relation to the spirit world
hmm so each day is roughly only been 1 minute then
hmm so there is a possibility that they can resurrect within 9 minutes eh

Hmm so they are stuck between destroying old eye to stop the project or use it to come back to life man thats a hard choice

So every time Asuna uses her powers it weakens her eh
She's been pushing herself pretty hard since she was assigned to this case
so its no surprise that she's this weak but still its sad to see
Its sad that Asuna can't see Morisaki though that she seems to respect so much

Now how will they tell Aveline that they want to change the plan now then
So the picture as expected was drawn by Ririka then eh
Hmm so wonder can Ririka somehow predict the future as her pictures say

Wow Gamon really cares about Aveline
because in a way Aveline is Ryouka since she's been there all along inside her body. Watching the rest of the cast consider their options though is nice.
While they all want to come back to life they also want to stop this horrible project as well.

Watching Aveline feel regret over her actions as well though was also good
and seeing Gamon desperately try to remember the key is really something
Out of all of them Gamon was the one that was the most reluctant to admit that he was dead and at the same time be a hero. But now after all thats happened he's braver and more determined than ever.

And wow imagining the shape and appearance of the key combined with Gamons special abilities actually did make the key appear. Thanks to Ryouka's urging and advice as well.

Lol thats quite a transformation for Ryouka's gun
and now they can both destroy this project and resurrect themselves as well
Lol being hugged by Ryouka is literally being smoldered with boobs
oh but since Gamon is the one that has to destroy the station then that means he won't be able to come back.

Damm but Gamon was brave to take that news in stride
Watching the rest of the cast react to this news though
Miyu as expected being the nice one offering to stay with Gamon until the end
but Sarai's reaction was certainly more unexpected and actually quite hearwarming
Touko's reaction though was good as well in deciding to create a special article about him. Damm but Gamons so brave to face his death like that

But at least the rest minus Gamon managed to resurrect
So Ririka is here eh
arguably one of the central mysteries of the show concerns her
so Ririka is still a ghost then eh

Gamon never wanted to be a hero but heroes rarely have the choice
But its nice to see that Gamon is modest about it
And Aveline's been trying to stop her fathers inventions for so long
Both are equally proud of their dads though so you could say that they are kindred spirits i guess.

Its a good thing that the villain can't see Gamon though
oops spoken too soon it seems
But man seeing that Aveline really cared about Gamon though was actually quite the pleasant surprise.

So Aveline sacrificed herself to save Gamon eh
but man what a punch
and now the devil and Aria's here to help you
wow the power of imagination for a ghost sure is limitless
it even surprised Aria and the devil
but then again Gamon sprouting wings is such a surprise

Hmm Gamon being able to see his dad and him managing to guide Gamon to the right frequency now that was a nice touch
And man seeing Gamon strike the final blow with the radio waves was cool

Its nice seeing that Asuna is alright though
lol Gamons still here as a ghost and still intends to keep his hobby eh
its sad that Gamon can't resurrect but as a ghost he's not really gone

Well at least the cast was able to stop the emperor from achieving eternal life though and that there was a somewhat happy ending. Too bad that Gamon is still a ghost though but at least he is still doing his hobby of updating his site. Ryouka is as funny as ever though.
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Dec 25, 2016 3:12 AM

Jan 2016
I see very mixed ratings for the series all of a sudden. But yes, I'm sure the story hasn't finished. If you look at the Opening, there's a lot of characters and symbolism that did not show up at the story. On second viewing actually most of the things in the Opening where in the story, so ignore my previous statement (The bunny is Zonko, and the Christmas Tree is there because this episode aired Christmas Eve) There's a lot more questions like who Ririka is, who Moritsuka is talking to on the phone, etc. etc. (Oh and the after credit scene)
After that abrupt ending my head is still kind of in shambles as to what just happened. I haven't really got that satisfaction of a conclusive ending. I really can't tell if O;9 was good or bad. With better pacing I would give it 9 or 10/10, but I'll leave it at an 8/10 because it's Christmas, haha.

klaki892 said:
Mami said:
Really rushed ending, this should had like 24 episodes at a normal pace, for better experience.

Someone understood the scene after credits?

This is probably the most likely route.
Dec 25, 2016 3:34 AM

Jul 2009
An absolutely fantastic series. Sure, it was hard to follow with that pacing, but it made it really special and memorable. I greatly enjoyed it, and it could be one of my favorites. I do understand though, that it is not for everyone, but some people are greatly exaggerating with their negativity (like always) >_>
Dec 25, 2016 4:10 AM

Apr 2015
Well We Know Why Its Called Occultic Nine Now.But I Think The Leader Of The Organization Was Yuta Gamon's Father.He Was Trying To Stage All This So That He Could Be With His Son.IMO
Dec 25, 2016 4:57 AM

Jun 2015
Pretty good, glad I didn't drop it

first half 5.5/10
second jhalf 7/10

whole anime 6/10
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Dec 25, 2016 5:07 AM
Jan 2014
Wait, so Aveline sacrificed herself to resurrect Gamon's ghost? How did she do that?
Dec 25, 2016 6:57 AM

Jan 2015
I really enjoyed the anime thoroughly but I wish it was longer. just rewatching the op makes me think of how many more things they could've explained, even though the most important things are clear now. I'm looking forward to reading the vn if it's translated earlier than 5 years from now ;;

by the way I'm not sure whether I missed it or it was never explained, but why does the girl in the op aka Zonko look like this? what is this concept
Dec 25, 2016 8:06 AM

Jul 2013
The cafe is still unclear to me. Why isn't the cafe closed?
Dec 25, 2016 8:23 AM

Feb 2014
I'm glad that everyone was able to go back the way they were before, with the exception of Gamon though. D=

Still, the way he punched that guy in his supercharged state was bloody awesome! =D

Overall, I like this show. Interesting story, enjoyable characters and A-1 Pictures did a really good job on the visuals and animation, unlike Ace Attorney. However, the fast-paced talking was a little annoying at time during heavy dialogue scenes and the ending felt kinda rushed in a way.

Still, despite its faults, I enjoyed it for what it is. 7/10 will be my final score.
Dec 25, 2016 8:54 AM
Jan 2013
Man, that was dumb as expected....

Wimpy MC
Annoying detective
Uncompetent fbi agent busting through every case alone without back-up, and somehow never learn and ever living
Unconsistant in-world theory
"Plot Twist"
So many god-in-the-machine
Unclear plot direction

I just hate this shit!
Dec 25, 2016 8:58 AM
Mar 2016
I was pausing the ep again and again to read the subs.

Good finale,unanswered questions left about Ririka and albino kid tho.

Miyu is my fav character.

6 out of 10.
Dec 25, 2016 9:13 AM

Mar 2014
eeehh? just when i thought this shows going really good episodes 11 and 12 felt so out of place especially ep 12. it felt so rushed and still left unsettled questions. how i wish this had 24 episodes instead of only 12. lots of potential
why am i so well drawn into time travel stories?
do i really have that many regrets?
Dec 25, 2016 9:13 AM

Nov 2015
So happy Chiyomaru Shikura posted on twitter, that there will be a Visual Novel coming out 2017. :)
Dec 25, 2016 9:28 AM

Jun 2016
Very rushed ending, but from what I've heard this isn't the good ending but a different route and the manga will have a different one as well.

Not a bad series though. I enjoyed this, but the middle portion was a lot better than the beginning of the series and the rushed ending. It could have done better if it had more episodes, even one more would have made the ending better and less rushed.
Dec 25, 2016 9:30 AM

Jun 2013
This series had a lot of potential but it went downhill really fast.

What the fuck was that ending!? The stupid kiss from Ryotas and we didn't even get to see Aveline's real spirit. Gamotan being dead is probably the best thing.

I was hoping for a great conclusion but there were a million loose ends.

Dec 25, 2016 10:16 AM
Oct 2015
Rush: The Series. Almost doesn't worth watching it. Good CGI and Characterization tho.
Dec 25, 2016 10:29 AM
Sep 2014
Mami said:
Really rushed ending, this should had like 24 episodes at a normal pace, for better experience.

Someone understood the scene after credits?

Hey I read this comment on Kissanime

I mean I don't get half of everything that's going on, but it does seem like
Dec 25, 2016 10:53 AM

Aug 2011
karmenmeghan said:

I mean I don't get half of everything that's going on, but it does seem like

You can schedule a post in most websites nowadays so that's not really a big deal.

» Escapism.

Dec 25, 2016 10:54 AM
Mar 2016
So gamon made a sacrifice, so what's up seeing him in cryogen?
Dec 25, 2016 11:11 AM

Oct 2013
karmenmeghan said:
Mami said:
Really rushed ending, this should had like 24 episodes at a normal pace, for better experience.

Someone understood the scene after credits?

Hey I read this comment on Kissanime

I mean I don't get half of everything that's going on, but it does seem like

Yeah, it makes sense. Maybe we'll get more answers in the second season/OVA (if exist)...
Dec 25, 2016 1:23 PM

Dec 2015
So, Gamotan was not revived and neither were the rest of the 256 subjects. Well, I feel like everything needs more explanation. However, the show turned out to be pretty good, as I expected. Still, it lacks something, but I'm not sure what.
Dec 25, 2016 2:05 PM

Dec 2014
Gamon died for their sins. Merry Christmas.

So much unanswered stuff left, I'll keep an eye out for the VN.
Dec 25, 2016 2:29 PM

Jun 2013
wow that was an amazing finale
Dec 25, 2016 5:36 PM

Dec 2012
Not quite the ending I expected but it was okay for a show that was always fast paced with characters talking as fast as bullet trains. I have a lot of questions but oh well.
Dec 25, 2016 6:39 PM

Mar 2014
Terrible final episode.
Not only they left some stuff unanswered, but they also made some stuff even MORE complicated, creating more plot-holes (for example, why did Zonko wanted him to find a key-hole when she KNEW where the key-hole was?).
That sure was a waste of potential. And what was that thing in the ending with the "Gamon Yuta" name on it?

Well, moral of the story: never give your light novel/manga to A-1.
Dec 25, 2016 7:34 PM

Jul 2008
Dah! That was as rushed as that of ReWrite adaption, so...
Does any one have news about a second "season" (part)?
My candies:
Dec 25, 2016 8:57 PM
May 2010
vangoz said:
Wait, so Aveline sacrificed herself to resurrect Gamon's ghost? How did she do that?

Bibimbapski said:
This series had a lot of potential but it went downhill really fast.

What the fuck was that ending!? The stupid kiss from Ryotas and we didn't even get to see Aveline's real spirit. Gamotan being dead is probably the best thing.

I was hoping for a great conclusion but there were a million loose ends.


Aveline can use her electromagnetism to supercharge the gun; she can do it as well to Yuta, albeit in a more direct fashion.

AKA RIP Aveline (March 9th, 2016)

Yuta might be in limbo between dead and alive (Schrödinger's anyone?), since he was so close to the time limit of 9 minutes. And they might be preserving him for the day when medical practice can truly resurrect him, maybe?
l0l1n470rDec 25, 2016 9:02 PM
Dec 25, 2016 10:42 PM

Oct 2012
Very fast pacing as per the usual.

I'm probably gonna pick up the novels to read later, I liked the concept enough, and I think going at a slower and more detailed rate will help a lot.

So everyone is alive and Yuta is a ghost. Or maybe not, after seeing the door to Yuta's coldsleep chamber opening at the end there in addition to the Sky Sensor giving off that static noise. Well, we'll never know.
probably won't show that in the LN either
"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
- Oreki Houtarou

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