I 100%'d Crash N.Sane Trilogy's Achievements BACK to BACK
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- Who would have guessed that a childhood nostalgic game would be revamped and actually good??? Not me, BUT the achievements and levels of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy proves that not everything is all nice and dandy. Witness me attempt to get not just 1 but 3 Crash games 100% Achievements Back to Back without missing a step...
This was my journey...
P.S. I also, started up the RUclips Memberships thing where you can subscribe for more bonuses/support me with your moolah cash money baby: / @yoma97
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Watch the Black Ops 2 100%: • Black Ops 2's Platinum...
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(no one has called me out on this yet... i'm concerned)
#crashbandicoot #achievements #platinum
I've got some banger videos coming out soon but the real question is...
What are some games YOU all would like to see?
Doesn't matter what platform and it doesn't even have to have achievements/trophies, it could be just 100%'ing a game!
The hitman: world of assassination trilogy, would absolutely love to watch you play that
Rayman legends and origins
Borderlands 2
Farcray 3 blood dragon
All 3 in 1 video? This guy is insane
No, you're insane (in a good way)
N sane surely
Yoma97 N-Sane trophy trilogy
Yoma your videos are fantastic , I really like how you put the effort in to getting all achievements in a game and not just going for a platinum like a lot of others do.
Awwww I appreciate that so much! It might be a pain doing DLC achievements and such but my OCD would not allow me too...
Thank you for the awesome words!!
You don't know what true pain is until you 105% Crash Bandicoot 4
I know how you feel. I felt terrible doing the time trails for Crash 1
But imagine getting the platinum for Crash 4. That's 5x worse.
Just food for thought
I have so much respect for you, I played the trilogy for about 20 hours and I cannot do it, I can't stand this trilogy. And this is a person who got the cuphead and gta 5 platinum and did bo3 campaign on realistic. Congrats man ❤
Hey man! Don't be upset on giving up/putting it down. I've done that plenty with other games but don't lose hope, you got this!! And thank you for the kind words
@@Yoma97 I'll go back to it soon, but man it grind my gears, but keep up the good work man. ❤
@@IAmLost...I only have one trophy left for crash 1 dont give up!
Thanks for the amazing videos!!
ooooo money
Let me kiss you on the mouth my dude
@@Yoma97 you gotta take me to dinner first at least !
One of my favorite franchises of all time and some of my favorite games of all time, Banger video Yoma!
Also screw stormy ascent
Crash games are good but good god why did i play them back to back... and thank you!!!
@@Yoma97 Time for Crash 4 now!! lmao
Lol at 3:07 I’m the chat
banger video as always 🐐
Thank you so much!!
This game was so fun to platinum. I'll warn you though that crash 4 is harder thank all of these combined haha, is driving me crazy
even tho i’m a week late my love for the Yoma content stays the same ! keep it up
Outstanding impressive job yoma
Great vid bro, this looked stressful to do lol keep up the great work!
Appreciate ya 😊
First rule of playing a Crash Bandicoot game: Nothing is easy.
I thought this was going to be a cakewalk completion. Boy was I wrong
Time for Crash 4. Good video.
God please no... also hi crohny :D
This is the perfect video to watch at 2:15 am
Using Crash "Wah" on the cussing was funny 🤣
RUclips demonitized the video for cussing so I had to filter it LMAO
@@Yoma97 Just want to say I love your content and keep it up
This game is torture to platinum trophy, but the platinum trophy spread is priceless!
Great video my dude but you deserve a lot more subscribes likes and views because you put a lot of work into these videos and games of course 😂😂
I appreciate that!
I saw that by your banner, you like fzero, you bring a video using retroachiviments from an old game =)
Nice video Yoma97
I am going to do that soon!! I don't know if I'm going to do retro achievements per se but I'm thinking of 100%'ing all of the games rather than achievements!!
Not gonna lie this makes me wanna get crash bandicoot, I havent played any classic platformers before. Someday.
Good video by the way, keep up the platinums ❤
play them not back to back, i beg
I love that you put in dead rising music
I’d LOVE to see you get all the trophies for Huniepop 😉
@@Yoma97you saw that he said
Omg he did this game as well. Goodness me.
This video is def amazing!!
NO, you're amazing
stormy ascent was a great watch live lol
Another awesome video! I like that cameo of the cute girl 🎉 great content!
Great video
Ty ty ty ty
Yo! 1. New Yoma vid 👌🏻
2. I love Crash Bandicoot. I grew up on Wrath of Cortex for the ps2 😂
3. Shoutout to Naughty Bear
Ayeeee! I grew up on Crash 2 the most which is random but I hope you enjoyed the video!!
omg im early again
love your videos :D
no way Yoma uploaded!
Another Yoma classic
Love crash this gonna be good
I hope you enjoy!!
The N Sane trilogy was slightly frustrating to plat but now that I'm on crash 4 I miss those games lol
Also the shortcut over the wooden pole on Native Fortress is such a godsend for the trial. Srsly f that trial 😭
1's trials are hard bc there's only one default walking speed so you have to master the timing of your jumps and spins and try not to stop. 2's are hard bc it gives you slide jump spin which you have to master to beat the trials. 3's are only hard for the vehicle segments like the plane levels bc the times are so tight. 4's are truly the test of our skills.
Yoma you forgot to mention that us in the chat helped on some maps in crash 1 with some secrets :P Loved the live stream
It was a lot of secrets and stuff but thank you
Yoma best twitch streamer
The worst problem with crash 4 is the time trials, in addition to the fact that later levels are literally 20+ minutes long.
Great vid :) what are you using for those custom steam achievements?
He uses Steam Achievement Notifier :)
quality content
Appreciate it homie
do the Spyro trio next if you haven't yet. But this was fun to watch
I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!
GG you crazy, ive got Plat on 1-3 and also did Stormy Ascent 100%
thank you and good job the plats!!!
Let’s gooo just in time for me to watch while I eat my $5 biggie bag from Wendy’s
Mans easily deserves 100x the subs got that galaxy brain pain is pleasure gamer grindset 💪
I appreciate it homie 😎
It's currently destroying my life however managed the Gold on Stormy Ascent yesterday (the platinum relic can do one ha) so that's C1 wrapped up. C2 going to be a dream for a while other than the dreaded Jetpacks....
Crash 1 was easily the hardest of the 3. Crash 2 was annoying and long, and Crash 3 was okay mostly
Damm dude good job only left is the fourth one and the racing game
I have heard of horror stories with those two...
@Yoma97 yikes well good luck and I hope you don't break your controller
Quite enjoyed the waaaaah swearing
Hahaha I'm glad you did! RUclips demonitized this so I had to include them 😄
great video! cant wait for RDR2
That's gonna be one interesting time
if you can deal w the collectibles you will love it, i know you wont tho LOL @@Yoma97
@@oGenx funny enough, I already beat it and recorded it. Just gotta edit it and put together
@@Yoma97 oh BET, notis are on im so ready
You're almost as masochistic as me no way
It's bad LMAO
@@Yoma97 Yea haha don't worry. I'm actually working towards the Crash trilogy platinum trophies too. I'm gonna do all the relics in one go through all the games lol. So far I've gotten 100% on crash 1 and 2 (without relics) and working towards 3 and it's been 5 days, I haven't gotten many opportunities to play though haha.
I recommend trying the platinum trophy / all achievements for the following games if you enjoyed crash:
Hollow Knight
Jump King
Super Meat Boy
Dead Cells
Enter The Gungeon
Have fun ;)
never thought i would watch a platinum for crash bandicoot 💀
There's a first for everything haha
@@Yoma97 your god damn right
If you had to rate them out of 10 (10 being really hard) for difficulty how would you rate each game?
Crash 2 is like an 8, crash 1 is like a 7, and crash 3 is like a 4
@@Yoma97 damn thanks I’ve always wanted to do them but I have gamer rage 😭
I have this game on my ps4 pro when it gets on my nervs im going insane like this video
I have a question Yoma!, Any plans on 100%/Platinum/Achivement Hunting All Yhe Batman Games?
As well I'm a big fan, you keep Me motivated to 100%/ Achivement hunting and I think I'm going after Gotham knights but thank you for the content, hopefully I could get to play with you and Achivement hunt with you in the future.
Got a question: Are the Crash games REALLY games for childern? Dude, the games are harder than most games that are released today xD
Bro for real... you're asking the right questions
Alright when are you doing crash 4
Are u planning to do 100% on the newest crash bandicoot 4
Yeah at some point I will!!
Great vid bro ur a platnium god u should go for super meat boys plat
Reminds me of that time I stole my uncle's parrot
should change the name of the series to playing games until i fucking hate them lmaoo
Honestly, you're kinda spittin rn
You’re playing the Xbox One/Series version right? Why are your achievement icons so strange and not like the Xbox One/Series layout?
I'm playing on steam with a notification program!
@@Yoma97 ahh I see nice :)
Your so cooooooooooooooool in a good way
Back in 2017 when I first got the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, I though to myself "Ok, this is the PlayStation 4 game that I'm gonna 100% and get all of the Achievements", and I have the right too seeing as this is a kids game, so it was gonna be easy......
But THEN...... I started trying to get all of the Gems and attempt to get the Platinum Relics, while the Gem thing is mandible, the Relics were just rage, and after that I was like "Nope I'm not gonna do that", and just de4cite to play the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy for fun, these three games demands WAY TOO MUCH when it comes to getting the Platinum Relics.
This is the reason as to why I prefer the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, all three games are super easy to 100% and don't have any of this stupid "try to beat the stage in time to get an "insert item", only to be screw over by some random bulls#it in stage." and are overall just great times (Note: I do enjoy the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, but not for its 100% experience).
So Yoma97, why not try getting all of the Achievements from the Spyro Reignited Trilogy? They are way easier to get all of the Achievements there.
I love spyro but idk if I want to make it into a video just yet! But yeah this game was too much back to back...
Well I'm just letting you know, becuse 100% all three Spyro games will be a cake walk when comparing to 100% just one Crash game.@@Yoma97
I liked the vid!!! oh shoot i think i made a bad decision
Hold up, wait a minute what is that game under a hat in time? 🧐
You missed the part where you profusely bullied me in Crash 3
I’m struggling with 3’s platinums, did 2 a week ago
You got this!!!
All I gotta say is, dont go for Crash 4. Im telling you, you dont want the smoke of Crash 4. Shit almost killed me lol
Crash 4 seems like hell...
Not gonna lie. I hope he does the 3 spyro games the same as this but they are easy 100% so maybe not
Man I own and love the spyro trilogy, maybe i will for an off-hand video?
shoutout to eminemballs093
How about getting all avchements in fall guys
Great gaming
Thank you kindly
Yeah Platinuming these games was fun... but not in a row.
Yeahhhh, I made a grave mistake
Doing Crash's Trilogy Achievements Back To Back Was A MISTAKE...
Insane right?
i can always trust this account to display my title
@@Yoma97 should mod him. he helps out so much
Time for crash 4😈
Oh god pls no
I love the censoring
This video is so cooooooooooooooooooooool 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
Kinda skipped over almost all of the gameplay changes between games, I'm sure you were getting frustrated but the way you described them it sounds like three of the exact same game
gotta finish red dead 2 my guy
Now do super meat boy
ahh 1/2/3 is ezzzy try crash 4 🤣 there you will grind for platinum and a tip patient is key 🔑 😅
OH for sure, I have the game but I wanted a little prequel to it and it's on the bucket list for sure LMAO
would you ever got for 100% in dead by daylight ?
Ummm, probably not because it's all paid dlc haha
oh yeah true xD what about a pvz game ? would be a fun watch or a dark souls game@@Yoma97
Yoma upload pog
Payday 2 on pc😊
Hentai Games is crazy dawg
I swear I was gifted them... i swear
Nice one if you ever do crash 4. I would take breaks and play other games in between. took me 145 hours to platinum 4 and 50 hours for the trilogy.
Yeaaaaahhhh, crash 4 sounds like absolute doo doo water...
Don't play crash 4.. trust me
Oh man, but I've gotta
So fortnite all achievements when? Kappa
Not first
You have the crown now for being first, congrats!